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2024 Barkcamp Race - Ultra, Full Marathon and Half Marathon Trail Races & 5k,10k and Half Marathon Road Races

Barkcamp State Park
65330 Barkcamp Park Rd, Belmont, Oh 43718

Starts: Saturday 5th of October 2024 at 6:00 am
Ends: Saturday 5th of October 2024 at 4:00 pm (EST)

2024 Barkcamp Race - Ultra, Full Marathon and Half Marathon Trail Races & 5k,10k and Half Marathon Road Races

The Barkcamp Race-Ultra Trail Marathon (40 miles) Early Sign-up (includes tie dye shirt) - Registration Form

Street Address:

Postal Code:

e.g. "90210" or "V0E 2S0"



Postal Code:


Please Choose one.

Race Date is 10-5-24

Race Date is 10-1-22

I intend to be legally bound for myself my heirs executors and administrators wave release and forever discharge any and all rights and claims which I may hereafter accrue against The Barkcamp Race the ODNR and all other sponsors of this race volunteers and event staff and their officers directors agents successors and or for any and all injuries suffered by me at this event while traveling to the Barkcamp Race or while participating in this event. I attest and verify I am physically fit and sufficiently trained for the completion of this event. I understand I may be photographed and agree to allow my photo video or film likeness to be used for any legitimate purpose by the aforementioned party. I understand that there are fixed costs associated with my registration and The Barkcamp Race has a NO REFUND policy. In the event that race organizers have to cancel the event due to weather or other circumstances outside of their control refunds will not be given.

I have read and agree to the terms above.
Ticket Type: The Barkcamp Race-Ultra Trail Marathon (40 miles) Early Sign-up (includes tie dye shirt)
Ticket Information:
Your registration includes a chip timed run, finisher's medal and tie dye shirt: **CORRECT SHIRT SIZE NOT GUARANTEED FOR SIGN UP AFTER 9/1!!!!  WE WILL PROBABLY HAVE ONE FOR YOU BUT OUR SHIRTS ARE UNIQUE, SO SIGN UP EARLY!!**  You will also receive a full HOT meal post race.

Would you like to make a donation?
We depend on donations to keep this event going year after year in our community.
Ticket Price: $65.00
Donation: $0.00
Total After Fees and Donation: $70.61

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